Alateen is part of the Al-Anon fellowship designed for the younger relatives and friends of alcoholics through the teen years.
Alateen members conduct their own meetings with
the guidance of an AlAnon member Sponsor.
Alateen groups follow the same Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and principles as Al-Anon.
Children affected by alcoholism usually feel mixed emotions of love, hate, fear, and pity for their alcoholic relatives and friends, and have a deep need for help.
In Alateen, members learn to think as individuals without fear.
They develop the ability to detach themselves emotionally from the alcoholics in their lives while retaining their love for them.
Many have found a new way of life in Alateen, a healthy program to live by and enjoy.
Alateen groups must have Sponsors who are active Al-Anon members and meet their area's minimum Alateen safety and behavioral requirements.
Ideally, sponsors should not be parents of members of the group.
Members of Alateen can also choose to have a personal sponsor, who can be another member of Alateen or Al-Anon.
The Alateen Purpose, part of the Al-Anon Family Groups, is a fellowship of young people whose lives have been affected by alcoholism in a family member or close friend.
We help each other by sharing our experience, strength and hope.
We believe alcoholism is a family disease because it affects all the members emotionally and
sometimes physically.
Although we cannot change or control our parents, we can detach from their problems while continuing to love them We do not discuss religion or become involved with any outside organizations.
Our sole topic is the solution of our problems.
We are always careful to protect each other's anonymity
as well as that of all Al-Anon and A.A. members.
By applying the Twelve Steps to ourselves, we begin to grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
We will always be grateful to Alateen for giving us a wonderful, healthy program
to live by and enjoy.
Reprinted with permission of Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA
the guidance of an AlAnon member Sponsor.
Alateen groups follow the same Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and principles as Al-Anon.
Children affected by alcoholism usually feel mixed emotions of love, hate, fear, and pity for their alcoholic relatives and friends, and have a deep need for help.
In Alateen, members learn to think as individuals without fear.
They develop the ability to detach themselves emotionally from the alcoholics in their lives while retaining their love for them.
Many have found a new way of life in Alateen, a healthy program to live by and enjoy.
Alateen groups must have Sponsors who are active Al-Anon members and meet their area's minimum Alateen safety and behavioral requirements.
Ideally, sponsors should not be parents of members of the group.
Members of Alateen can also choose to have a personal sponsor, who can be another member of Alateen or Al-Anon.
The Alateen Purpose, part of the Al-Anon Family Groups, is a fellowship of young people whose lives have been affected by alcoholism in a family member or close friend.
We help each other by sharing our experience, strength and hope.
We believe alcoholism is a family disease because it affects all the members emotionally and
sometimes physically.
Although we cannot change or control our parents, we can detach from their problems while continuing to love them We do not discuss religion or become involved with any outside organizations.
Our sole topic is the solution of our problems.
We are always careful to protect each other's anonymity
as well as that of all Al-Anon and A.A. members.
By applying the Twelve Steps to ourselves, we begin to grow mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
We will always be grateful to Alateen for giving us a wonderful, healthy program
to live by and enjoy.
Reprinted with permission of Al-Anon Family Group Headquarters, Inc., Virginia Beach, VA